Sunday, April 12, 2009

"I Love You This Much"

This phrase is a bit old (I heard it for the first time in the 90s, it could be older), but this reminds us that, the span of Jesus' arms represent eternity - the beginning and the end - and His own Paschal sacrifice spans across humankind. Polytheists, monotheists, atheists. Christians and non-Christians. Jews and Gentiles. All of us. Each one of us. The one step He is looking forward from us is our acknowledgement of Him being our Lord and Savior.


I once asked God how much He loves me. He replied, "This much." And He stretched open His arms and died on the cross.

His passion and death brings redemption to each and every one of us. He draws all men to Himself through His suffering on the cross. Tonight, we celebrate His ultimate promise - the Salvation of mankind through His Resurrection.


Wish you all a Blessed Easter!

Special wishes to my friends and relatives who have just been received into the Catholic Church:
- VIRGINIA Tang Ngan Yung
- MARK Ng Ting Kim
- JACK Ong Hock Soon

And a friend who has just been empowered by the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation:
- Dylan TITUS Yeoh Tshen

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