Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Champion by CHS JY

It was merely one week before the April 25 JY Gathering, when the team decided to adopt the skit based on Carman's The Champion. With only 4 hours of practice, this was what the team came out. Pretty good. Better still - the JY Gathering attendees were in awe over how Jesus' triumph over evil could be depicted in a boxing match.

View video here (courtesy of 5xmom).

Cast (in order of appearance)
Angel 1... Jaslyn DeWitt
Angel 2... Carina Rebecca Oyog
Angel 3... Michael Loh Yet Mao
Demon 1... John Isaiah Stanley
Demon 2... Adele Khor Li Ying
Demon 3... Mark Joel Stanley
Satan... Benjamin Han
Jesus... Brian John Dorai
God the Father... William Baptist

Slides Prepared by
David Chan Yew Mun

Slide Handler
Kenneth Tan Siew Kheng

"The Champion"
Written and Performed by Carman

Chan Lilian
Felicia Wong Yi Jin

Clarence Jude Stanley
Kenneth Tan Siew Kheng

Andre Ong Lay Siang

Directed by
Andre Ong Lay Siang

Produced by
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Junior Youth

Based on Salvation History written by GOD

Pictures captured during the practice...


Jesus vs Satan

Jesus and Satan, in front of the Father

Jesus vs Satan - Fight!

Satan hit hard on Jesus

Jesus Resurrected

Jesus Won!

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